Debt Advice

If you are struggling with debt, you should seek professional debt advice services such as those listed below;

Free and confidential advice services available across the UK


Money Helper,, a useful website with lots of support, tools and advice provided by the FCA

Money Advice Service For free, unbiased and easy-to-access money tools, information and advice, visit or phone 0800 138 7777 to speak to a Money Adviser.

Money Advice Scotland If you live in Scotland, phone 0141 572 0237 or visit to find contact details for debt advice in your local area.

Citizens Advice For advice and information on debt and other topics, visit your local Citizens Advice (address in the phone book) or go to

Citizens Advice Northern Ireland If you live in Northern Ireland, phone 0800 028 1881, email or visit for debt advice.

Citizens Advice Wales If you live in Wales, you can call Adviceline on 0300 330 1313 if you want to speak to someone about your debts. Calls cost 12p per minute from a landline, and from 3p to 45p from a mobile or visit get-help-with-your-debts.

AdviceUK Member centres offer debt advice including specialist advice for minority communities and people with disabilities – or phone 0300 777 0107.

Christians Against Poverty (CAP) For free debt advice in your home, check post code coverage at then call 0800 328 0006.

National Debt-line If you live in England, Wales or Scotland phone 0808 808 4000 or visit for debt advice and information.

StepChange Debt Charity For debt advice throughout the UK phone 0800 138 1111 or visit

Civil Legal Advice You may get legal aid if your home is at risk. Check at or phone 0845 345 4345.

Debt Free London 0800 808 5700